Infinitely scrolling Minesweeper with a timer.

Made in approx. 8 hours because I was bored one day :)   -   which probably means there might be a bug or two

How to play Minesweeper:

- Each tile could potentially be a mine. Avoid mines. A number on a tile indicates how many mines there are adjacent to it, so the higher the number, the more nearby mines.

- Left clicking uncovers a tile and reveals what it is.

- Right clicking toggles a flag, which you can use to mark where you think mines are so that you don't accidentally click it or forget.

Scoring Rules:

- In Infinisweep, uncovering tiles earns 20 points for each numbered tile and 5 points for blank tiles, and you also get 5 points per second-ish when in Standard or Frantic mode.

- You also earn 100 points for each completed column when it reaches the green line. A completed column means that all non-mine tiles are uncovered and all mines are flagged. Note that you aren't punished for uncompleted columns.

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
Authorcertified bozo
Made withConstruct
Tagsinfinite, Minesweeper, Mouse only


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Great twist on a classic.


What a great idea! I immediately clicked a mine on my first go lol. xD