You've been commissioned to make art for a game jam team. They need lots of art very fast. And the best part? They'll pay you a lot of money. Like, a LOT of money. You don't even have to be that accurate! How much money can you make in two minutes?

LMB to Draw, RMB to Erase, drawings are judged by Accuracy (Robot), Speed (Snake), and Difficulty (Dave)          (I recommend watching the tutorial or video to the right!!)

Made in under 48 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2024, following the theme "Built to Scale". The game ranked 1028th out of 7639 submissions, and ranked 579th in the Creativity category! 

also inspired by games like skribbl.io

Updated 14 days ago
Published 25 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Authorcertified bozo
Made withConstruct
TagsDrawing, Fast-Paced, Game Maker's Toolkit Jam, Mouse only, speed


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That was really fun! I got 2077$ on my first try :3

This is freaking sick! It took me a second to realize what I was meant do speed. I didn't even erase a single time, on my first run I managed to get $1682 -Kaylee

Yeah I should've tried to emphasize speed more than just saying "go fast" a few times in the game

Really polished and fun for a 48 hour jam game!

Best I got was 1092 (was like 10192 but I did poorly last minute lol)

Do think for a jam game the learning and difficult curve is very high however, like my first 2 attempts I made zero money at all. Took me awhile to understand you kinda need to draw on purpose so make any sort of money, and that the robot and still give you a ten for accuracy even if your drawing isn't perfect. 

Also think 10 seconds seems a bit too quick, think it either needs to be bumped up to like 12 or 15, or have some sort of time limit in the tutorial because the lack of one made me assume you're supposed to make your art perfect.

All together though the games pretty cool! The kinda crude art matches with the gameplay and it fits the theme a good bit : )

Yeah I tried to emphasize the whole "Speed > accuracy" thing but I probably should've shown an example in the game and not just in the screenshots and video. People playing too slow and going for perfect accuracy was something I was worried would happen 

Whoa, this is actually a really well-made game!
I had pretty low expectations because of the art from the thumbnail (so I almost didn't click on it), but the audio+sfx and technical implementation are really great! If you can find an artist to work with you on improving the UI and characters, I think this game would have heaps of players!
It's really amazing you made this in 48 hours.
I'd suggest somehow incorporating the drawing part into the game thumbnail.

Yeah art is definitely not my strong suit. I did try to somehow pass off the bad art as intentional but tbh i just need to get good at art haha

(2 edits)

I just played your other game Nub city - I like that style!.
Also if you give them some funny examples of things to draw, e.g. a butt (even if not in the game) I think it would get people clicking.

Yeah I used a different tool for nub city, it just takes a lot longer to make the art that way which I didn't really have time for since this was just 48 hours, whereas nub city was 10 days

Very cool concept.
It's just missing one element: Where the requested art, whilst exactly matching the requirement, is rejected because someone changes their mind.

Each judge will give points/money based on a different factor:
The robot will judge on accuracy, which according to you, you have been accurate.

The human will judge based on how difficult the reference and scale is, this usually never ends up below 3 anyways.

The snake will judge based on speed. The game is meant to be played very quickly, and the robot is pretty forgiving when it comes to mistakes. My guess is that you were just being super slow and got scored low by the snake, causing them to not give you any money.

To see how fast you should be drawing, watch the video that is in the game's description

Gotcha. Great job!